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Matches for nsa bitcoin, 45 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Aug 12 00:18:35 UTC 2014  <xmj>   godovo: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/bitcoin-suspected-be-nsa-cia-project-1460439

Sun Aug 10 18:51:42 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   chetty: <assbot> Bitcoin Suspected to Be NSA or CIA Project// just from the title thats silly, they dont get along <<< congratulations, you've just run into the "cover your bases" online phenomenon. it goes like this : twerp with nothing to say has to spin out 5k words to get his half cent a word to pay for his ramen. and twerp has taken logic 101 (or else, mysql inject 101) and thus knows what OR does!

Sun Aug 10 13:51:34 UTC 2014  <chetty>   <xmj> http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/bitcoin-suspected-be-nsa-cia-project-1460439

Sun Aug 10 13:51:34 UTC 2014  <assbot>   Bitcoin Suspected to Be NSA or CIA Project

Sun Aug 10 13:51:34 UTC 2014  <chetty>   <assbot> Bitcoin Suspected to Be NSA or CIA Project// just from the title thats silly, they dont get along

Sun Aug 10 12:52:22 UTC 2014  <assbot>   Bitcoin Suspected to Be NSA or CIA Project

Sun Aug 10 12:52:21 UTC 2014  <xmj>   http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/bitcoin-suspected-be-nsa-cia-project-1460439

Mon Jun 09 19:22:27 UTC 2014  <hdbuck>   benkay : well, some argue that the more the blochain size increase, the less people would actually download it to use bitcoins. other also argue that it would give more power to supernodes, centralising bitcoin, which was something that bitcoin was suppose to oppose. or is it just the NSA and co that will run Bitcoin once it get too big? ^^

Mon May 12 19:33:59 UTC 2014  <davout>   "I'm running for the Texas State Legislature. I support LGBT rights, pot, and net-neutrality and oppose the NSA and TSA. I also happen to be a long-time Bitcoin enthusiast. I'd love your support."

Fri Apr 11 02:43:23 UTC 2014  <minersdidit>   Deliberately and quite maliciously tried to meld the BleedingHeart openssl vulnerability into the Bitcoin code. The move seemed bizarre at the timei, seeing how there was exactly zero need and pretty much epsilon benefit of implementing such kludge, and given that everyone with a clue involved pretty much agreed PKI is broken beyond repair anyway. To properly understand the implications of this : NSA has had, for two years

Wed Apr 09 09:10:25 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   tbh im kinda surprised teh tradepress isn't howling all about "in january, 'Bitcoin Baron Keeps a Secretive Open Source OS Alive' ; in april, nsa's crown jool is thrown in the dirt of the public space."

Mon Mar 03 14:16:18 UTC 2014  <nubbins`>   twist: nsa foresaw digital currency and created bitcoin codebase so that a flawed implementation would ruin people on the idea

Wed Feb 19 10:52:24 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   "There was also a pretty dogged pitch for his startup, which will get all kinds of warm huzzahs from the intersection of MRAs, Bitcoin fans, NSA critics and Redditors. I was pretty amazed that he went for it. He flat out said that he wants his startup to be funded and wasn't sure if it'd be possible after all of his, and I replied that it realistically wasn't going to happen without the say-so of someone like me, and I

Sun Feb 02 18:19:38 UTC 2014  <mircea_popescu>   bitcoin, even should it have made by nsa, has actually taken it over.

Thu Jan 02 15:33:42 UTC 2014  <zacm>   are we all ready for the morph into govcoin? https://pay.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1u89qv/why_the_nsa_revelations_make_me_worried_about_the/

Wed Nov 20 00:51:35 UTC 2013  <ozbot>   Forget Bitcoin, Bernanke, & Musk; The Real Bubble Is At The NSA | Zero Hedge

Wed Nov 20 00:51:33 UTC 2013  <pankkake>   http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-11-19/forget-bitcoin-bernanke-musk-real-bubble-nsa

Sat Nov 02 04:54:45 UTC 2013  <mircea_popescu>   well, nsa can in principle be bought out, like any bitcoin company.

Tue Oct 22 14:43:18 UTC 2013  <the20year>   If the NSA is truly all encompassing, then they have every single IP and mac address that a bitcoin could flow through, and a nearly infinite amount of laundering won't fix that

Wed Oct 09 13:13:20 UTC 2013  <jurov>   if nsa repurposed the DC to bitcoin mining, no wonder

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